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Animal Projects

Animal Ownership Deadline

Market Beef–February 1, 2022

Market Goats, Swine, Sheep–June 1, 2022

All Market Sheep, Goats, and Swine animals must be tagged and information loaded into zSuite by 5 PM on June 1, 2022 to be eligible to show. 

Livestock Import Policies

As you are purchasing your animals this spring please keep the following things in mind, especially if you purchase animals from outside of Wyoming.

The Wyoming Livestock Board has policies in place regarding the importation of animals into the State of Wyoming to comply with federal regulations.  They can be found at Livestock Board Import Rules. Please review these recommendations before purchasing your animal from out of state so you can work with your buyer to ensure you comply with Wyoming regulations.

Swine Animals– In consultation with the State Vet’s office, please share with families that do purchase swine from out-of state:

  • Animals coming into Wyoming need to have an official USDA ear tag in their ear.  They should be put in the ear by the producer. Additionally, the vet that inspects the animals before they are shipped to Wyoming should be calling the Wyoming State Vet’s office to get an import permit number that is placed on the health papers (CVI). 
    1. Link to USDA official ear tag summary for ALL species. (Tables 4, 5, and 6 are most applicable to 4-H market swine projects from out of state).  Animal Traceability /Official Ear tags
  • If a pig arrives in Wyoming from out-of-state without an ear tag, the 4-H member should contact their local veterinarian to inspect the animal and manage any other additional requirements.

Again, these are for animals that are shipped into Wyoming from another state. If you have questions about the import policies/requirements please contact the Wyoming Livestock Board.

Laramie County 4-H Animal Programs are open to all youth – with or without farm backgrounds. As a 4-H member, you can learn about animal care by participating in events, shows, and hands-on projects.

2016-04-20 – Logan, Jim – Scrapie ID Regulations Memo–Sheep and Goat

Wyoming Scrapie Tag Requirements

Large Animal Projects

Small Animal Projects